When Hunter faced the unknown, a community rose to meet him.
Following his accident, Hunter’s community rallied around the #pinkestrong movement. Rooted in prayer and giving glory to God, even in the midst of suffering and an unknown future, #pinkestrong has been a testament to the impact Hunter and his faith have had on countless people.
During the early days of his recovery, Hunter’s family shared blog updates about his progress on PinkeStrong.com.
You can read about the first week of Hunter’s recovery in the blog archives.
As medical costs stacked up, so did the community’s enthusiasm to help. The #pinkestrong movement generated vital assistance for Hunter’s family, and helped equip Hunter with tools to aid his recovery and increase his mobility. Community events such as fundraiser suppers, silent auctions, and live auctions showed the creativity, passion, faith, and ingenuity of both rural North Dakota and Hunter’s supporters far and wide.
As Hunter’s recovery continued, he and his family connected with another young man going through a similar trial at Craig Hospital, Todd Stoneberg. As Hunter’s future became more clear, he and his family decided to advocate for Todd, and began to use their #pinkestrong platform to encourage fundraising for him, as well.
While the #pinkestrong movement has tapered down, Hunter and his family continue to feel the love, support, faith, and passion of the community. Their worlds are forever impacted by the generosity and unwavering commitment that friends, families, teammates, colleagues, and even strangers provided during the darkest days. As Hunter continues his work seeking to inspire and encourage others, he does so knowing that it’s the grace of God and the faithful support of so many that he’s able to keep moving forward every day.